Tuesday, 3 January 2017

2017 New Year's Resolution

Happy New Year Ya'll!

So, we've finally made it to see the year 2017 and with it comes a whole lotta change. Hate to join the cliche club but I've decided to share with you guys my 3 New Year's Resolutions, which *fingers crossed* I hope to stick to. So here goes...

1) To experiment more with my personal style

I think I hit a realisation curve in 2016, that although I was testing more trends, I was only merely skimming the surface. So with a new year brings a whole new wardrobe, you can follow my day-to-day outfit diaries over on my Instagram.

2) Keep a positive and motivated mind frame

I found last year that always looking at the negatives just had a domino effect of self doubt and not being motivated both in my personal and work life. So i've recently invested in Sophia Amoruso's #GirlBoss who is slowly teaching me the ways of how to be the best you can whatever is thrown at you. In my personal life, I've decided to channel all my anger through exercise (Chill, I'm still not equipped for the gym.) So i've made a start by downloading the Nike Training app as they say a healthy body leads to a healthy mind, and a healthy mind is a happy soul.

3) Be more creative

I've always loved drawing, it's actually what initially got me into loving fashion. I have tons of sketch books filled with art work that seemed to have faded pre university life. Now joining the adult life and work pretty nailed, I feel that it's time to channel some of my creative energy into what I love doing.

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