Sunday, 24 August 2014

DIY Kimono

Hey guys, this was one of my last fashion photo-shoots in London as you can tell from the cloudy gloomy skies. These snaps were shot by fellow friend & fashion blogger Nazifa Ali. This post entails my new summer finds of creating a hand made Kimono, which was made from simply watching a 5 minute youtube tutorial.

So I recently bought a silk scarf from River Island in the summer sale. I liked it because it had unique detailing with butterfly patterns which would be perfect for any summer look. However it wasn't until I actually wore it at home that I realised it was quite hard to match it with any of my outfits and also (who wears scarves in 30 degrees of heat?) 

 From the advice from a dear friend (Kathy ;) ) I remember she once showed me that she created a cool summer kimono simply by using a needle, thread and a scarf.

I then battled the decisions of whether I should cut up my new beautiful silky scarf , knowing that there was a 50-50 chance that this could go terribly wrong. I mean common, can you really make a Kimono in 5 minutes? Luckily from studying textiles, once I had watched the youtube tutorial, the pieces of the puzzle all fit together and I took the giant step into cutting up my scarf.

I lightly run stitched the kimono sleeves, by gathering some of the excess fabric to create a ruffled look as my scarf was quite long. 10 minutes later, I owned a elegant chic summer Kimono.

I'm proud to say that the Kimono is still well and surviving and I advise all fellow fashionistas to check out tutorials online for DIY fashion tips, you never know what you could make from bits and bobs from you're closet.

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